Sunday, July 7, 2024

What a totalitarian elitist espouses: you will be forced! No freedom for you

Watch: Klaus Schwab Says Humanity Must Be "Forced Into Collaboration" With Globalist Elites

Tyler Durden's Photo
SUNDAY, JUL 07, 2024 - 08:40 AM

Authored by Steve Watson via,

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab told delegates at a conference in China this week that humanity needs to be “forced into a collaboration” with globalist entities.

Speaking at the WEF’s ‘Annual Meeting of the New Champions’, often dubbed the “Summer Davos,” in China, Schwab stated that in order to drive the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” forward, elites must aggressively drive their agenda home.

“To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future,” Schwab proclaimed.

He added, “At this critical juncture the active participation of all stakeholders is essential to ensure a sustainable development path.”

In another clip, Schwab touted AI and other technologies becoming ubiquitous as a reason why humanity must “work together” with the global elite.

He also spoke of “limits to growth,” which many have interpreted as an endorsement of depopulation.

Schwab, the architect of the so called ‘Great Reset,’ has in recent years said that he envisages humankind transitioning into a new age where there will be a “fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological dimensions” in a “new world.”

Schwab has previously declared that this new era of integration with “digital technologies” will mean that “you do not even have to have elections anymore.”

He has also fantasised about humanity embracing brain implants and leaders having the capability to read everyone’s brain waves.

As we highlighted last week, Schwab is facing multiple accusations of sexual assault and creating a hostile work environment from female former employees at the WEF.

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Even in bucolic New Hampshire

Family calls cops 37 times, receives death threats from encampment of violent vagabonds behind dream home: ‘I can’t even use my backyard’

CNN is the White House

Radio Host Who Interviewed Biden: The Questions I Asked Were Given to Me by the White House

On Saturday’s broadcast of CNN’s “First of All,” Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who hosts WURD’s “The Source,” and recently interviewed President Joe Biden on the show, said that the questions she asked the President were four that she approved from a list of questions that the White House sent to her.

While speaking with Lawful-Sanders, and Civic Media’s Earl Ingram, who also interviewed Biden, host Victor Blackwell asked, “Andrea, let me ask you here about your interviews and something — I listened to both of them, and there’s something that’s similar here, you each were — you asked four questions, and maybe that’s what you were allowed to ask by the campaign or the White House. But they were essentially the same questions, both interviews, about accomplishments, progress in your respective state, what’s at stake in the election, what he has to say about his debate performance, and what he would say to voters who think their vote doesn’t matter, or might sit this election out. Were those questions given to you by the White House or did you have — or the campaign, or did you have to submit questions ahead of this interview?”

Lawful-Sanders answered, “The questions were sent to me for approval. I approved them.”

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Criminal privilege

Career NYC pick-pocketer with over 60 arrests is back on the streets: cops

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Gavin Newsom does not believe in democracy here's why

Gavin Newsom tried to jeopardize democracy in California by killing changes to criminal justice reform

Joe Biden America's preeminent fabulist

Joe Biden interview: President makes bizarre claim about inventing computer chip during make-or-break ABC interview

Inflation even in jobs numbers

Did the economy create 206,000 jobs last month? That’s what the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday. But don’t believe it. Under President Joe Biden, the BLS has been consistently inflating monthly job growth numbers.

It makes great public relations, because the press reports only on the initial estimate, and rarely follows up on the subsequent downgrades. But it does help explain why nobody believes Biden’s – and the mainstream media’s – propaganda about how great the labor market is doing.

Last month, for example, BLS said that the economy created 272,000 jobs, which the media branded as “whopping,” “robust,” “vigorous,” and a “blowout.” Economists had expected 190,000 new jobs in May.

But on Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics admitted that it had overestimated job gains in May by 20%, with the new figure just barely above economists’ expectations. The change barely got a mention in the press.

Likewise, April’s job gain, which the BLS initially claimed was 175,000, is now just 108,000. That’s a 38% downgrade.

January’s 353,000 new jobs – which reportedly “blew economists’ expectations out of the water” – was almost 100,000 jobs too high. February’s initial estimate has since been cut by almost 40,000. (See the chart below.)

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics I&I Chart

As a result, a quarter million “new” jobs have vanished into thin air so far this year.

This isn’t a new phenomenon. Last year and the year before, the BLS repeatedly announced downward revisions in the number of jobs created.

Why? One big reason is the statistical models the BLS uses to fill in gaps in its survey of businesses have been misfiring. Here’s how Bloomberg explains it:

A chunk of the potential overestimation of payrolls stems from adjustments the agency makes to the monthly employment report to account for the net amount of businesses opening and going under, Wong and Knapp say. Because the BLS only surveys existing establishments, it uses a so-called birth-death model to estimate those flows.

‘The labor market saw a turning point sometime in the second half of 2023,’ Wong said. ‘Business closures surged, while new business formations slowed sharply.’

As a result, the BLS overestimated job growth by about 60,000 each month last year.As we pointed out in June (see “The Unvarnished Truth About That ‘Blockbuster’ Jobs Report”), even these numbers are too rosy, because most of the jobs “created” have been part-time work – many held by people taking on second or third jobs to make ends meet under Biden’s “rescued” economy.

BLS data show that there are 319,000 more adults working multiple jobs today than there were a year ago. Multiple job-holders now account for 5.2% of those employed, up from 4.4% when Biden took office.

All of which helps to explain why, when 1.3 million jobs were supposedly created this year, the number of unemployed climbed by almost 700,000 and the unemployment rate went from 3.7% to 4.1%.

And this is to say nothing of the fact that most of the jobs created went to foreign-born, not native Americans, and real wages are lower today than they were when Biden took office.

It makes us wonder if Biden’s mental deficiencies and his inability to handle numbers have spread to other parts of the federal government.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

This is the Progressive run Oakland, California where crime and violence are accepted as normal

Mob of nearly 100 looters ransacks Oakland gas station as store owner says police took hours to respond: ‘Back to square one’

A mob of looters ransacked an Oakland gas station convenience store and caused thousands of dollars in damage as the frustrated store manager claimed police took nine hours to respond to his plea for help.

The horde, who had just attended a nearby car sideshow, broke into the 76 Station near the San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport around 4:30 a.m. on Friday, according to ABC 7 News Bay Area.

Owner Sam Mardaie estimated approximately 80 to 100 people broke through his store’s front door and grabbed everything they could get their hands on. 

“Shelves were ripped apart, all the grocery items were torn or stepped on or vandalized,” Mardaie told the outlet.

Video surveillance obtained by the outlet showed the looters snatching drinks from the fridges, food items off the shelves, boxes and baskets belonging to the store and a television.

Some climbed over the register and looted items from underneath the counter.

The mob was reportedly upset they weren’t allowed inside the store as the business was only offering window service, a normal occurrence for the 24/7 shop during the overnight hours.

Approximately $25,000 in cash was taken from the store’s register and ATM, but the looters couldn’t grab the safe.

Owner Sam Mardaie estimated approximately 80 to 100 people broke through his store’s front door and grabbed everything they could get their hands on. KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco/YouTube
The mob was reportedly upset they weren’t allowed inside the store as the business was only offering window service, a normal occurrence for the 24/7 shop during the overnight hours. KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco/YouTube

Two employees inside the store were threatened during the mass pillaging, which lasted around 40 minutes, Mardaie told KTVU.

“This is the hardest thing you could ever go through…especially if you’ve been put in sweat and tears day in and day out,” the frustrated owner told the outlet.

Maradie says he and his family took over the business in August 2023.

“Building yourself for the last ten months and then you’re back to square one,” he added.

A call was placed to Oakland police but the dispatcher informed the caller the crime was listed as a Priority 2, as no suspects were on scene, adding it could be reported online.

It was only after a video of the mass looting was shared with the department that it was raised to a Priority 1 and an officer was sent to the store nine hours after the robbery began, according to KTVU.

Approximately $25,000 in cash was taken from the store’s register and ATM, but the looters couldn’t grab the safe. KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco/YouTube
“Shelves were ripped apart, all the grocery items were torn or stepped on or vandalized,” Mardaie said. KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco/YouTube
The 76 station is located in the same area where In-N-Out closed its only location in Oakland in March because of the out-of-control crime and for the safety of their customers.

Police explained to the outlet that officers had been responding to a sideshow near the airport that had over 100 cars and later responded to a burglary 90 minutes later.

The store’s customers shared their fears of the ongoing crime in the area.

“It’s very disheartening, I’m scared to go out after dark and I don’t know it’s just alarming,” customer Ebony Bolton told KTVU.

Oakland’s recent spike in crime forced several restaurant chains to close their stores in the area and caused one family to pull their son out of a local college.

The horde of looters entered the store through the broken glass of the front door. KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco/YouTube
It was only after a video of the mass looting was shared with the department that it was raised to a Priority 1 and an officer was sent to the store nine hours after the robbery began. KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco/YouTube

The 76 station is located in the same area where In-N-Out closed its only location in Oakland in March because of the out-of-control crime and for the safety of their customers.

In February, a Texas attorney offered a $10,000 reward after her son, who had been refueling his rental car, was robbed at gunpoint at the same gas station, according to CBS News.

“It’s crazy. I mean it’s a daily thing. It hasn’t been a day since we opened in August that we don’t have an incident,” Mardaie told the outlet at the time. 

“I come from Yemen, a third world country, and we don’t have those incidents in a third world country where there’s no law and order.”