Sunday, January 25, 2009

Think about the ramifications of this study...

Study pinpoints main source of Asia's brown cloud
By Henry Fountain

South Asia has a cloud over its head - an unpleasant, unhealthy and climate-affecting soup of sooty haze that envelops the region, particularly in winter.
Scientists have studied what's called the "brown cloud" for years, yet there has always been uncertainty about it. How much of the soot and other carbon-containing aerosols that make up the haze comes from the burning of fossil fuels in cars, power plants and the like, and how much comes from burning wood and other biomass for cooking and agriculture?
Orjan Gustafsson of Stockholm University in Sweden and colleagues have now removed the cloud of uncertainty hanging over the brown cloud. Burning of biomass, they report in Science, is the greater culprit.
The researchers used carbon-14 dating of atmospheric soot sampled in early 2006 at Sinhagad in western India and Hanimaadhoo Island in the Maldives. They made use of the fact that fossil fuels are millions of years old, and thus the carbon-14, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 5,700 years, has decayed away. On the other hand, vegetation that is burned when fields are cleared, and wood and dung that are used for cooking, contain "young" carbon, with plenty of C-14.
They found that biomass combustion produced about two-thirds of the pollution, a much larger proportion than found in earlier studies that used different methodologies.
The findings suggest that controls on agricultural burning and improvements in cookstove technology to allow for more complete combustion could make as much of a difference, if not more, in lightening the skies over South Asia as efforts to restrict cars or build cleaner-burning power plants.
The researchers also note that because soot persists in the atmosphere for a relatively short time, efforts to reduce the amount of soot may have an immediate positive impact on the regional

The third world aided and abetted by the UN and the self loathing western environmental nutters have been trying to pull the wool over eyes for years when it comes to the real impact undeveloped countries have on the environment. They will restrict your freedoms so that the impoverished can continue to burn dung and clear vegetation. Not mentioned in this piece are Africa and South America where locals people live as they did way back with feces and clearing forests by uncontrolled burns.
The modern liberal wants to brings us down instead of lifting them up. Damn Rousseau and his noble savage myth. We have suffered for nearly 200 years as a result of this piece of asinine thinking. Take this bit of his fantasy world and consider how it underpins American Leftist thought today: Men in a state of nature do not know good and evil, but their independence, along with “the peacefulness of their passions, and their ignorance of vice”, keep them from doing ill .

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