Sunday, March 22, 2009

An interesting question.

Did Canada's Universal Health Care Kill Natasha Richardson?

If you read the comments below you'll clearly see the fantasies of the Left. Once they're are wedded to an idea, it's over for thinking.
For example, using the word profit as an epithet. Profit and loss are how you determine efficiency. Without it you wind up like the old Soviet Union, wandering the wilderness of economic decision making.
Secondly is the myth that somewhere out there is a tooth fairy who can make things cost half and maintain the same quality. Think of how silly this would sound in a automobile analogy. A Toyota Camry costs half of what a Lexus LS460 costs and they are not equal. The lack of a medical helicopter is a good example of how the state cuts costs. It's not just the ski area but the whole province. Tell which state in the US doesn't have a medical helicopter? None. In California we use them all the time for serious auto accidents so no hospital is 2 1/2 hours from a hospital trauma section.
The Left also wants you to conserve electric for global warming reasons and yet they want a massive increase in electrical consumption through the expanded use of plug-in cars. Will producing electricity for cars somehow be exempt from the rules?

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