Wednesday, March 4, 2009

National socialism on the march

Has anyone else noticed that while private sector employment is down, government is about to experience a large boost in employment?


  1. That is what I have been noticing. So what are the Americans with common sense ought to do? It seems like the Republicans and conservative democrats are not doing anything about it. It seems like the Americans in general are just watching. This will eventually turn to socialist society in full scale if this will continue.
    Where are the Constitution Lawyres?

  2. For most Americans the taste of free lunch is too great think about the consequenxes.

    The pain is too far off for them.

  3. How can it be that in all this talk about budgets, there has only been talk about - stimulus, mostly, and minimally about tax cuts, and NOT AT ALL about cutting the size of the government? And this when we will be faced with a MASSIVE shortfall in revenues due to zero capital gains revenues, and severely decreased income from small business.

    Either a yet unseen positive revolution of sorts coming, or we're screwed.
