Monday, October 26, 2009

Looney Left Math

Check this out from the bottom of an AP story on healthcare reform:

Obama has set a spending limit of roughly $900 billion over a decade for the legislation, but has already agreed not to count more than $200 billion to raise fees for doctors treating Medicare over the next 10 years.

He also appears willing to bow to the wishes of House Democrats, whose bill is expected to total roughly $1 trillion. Democrats argue some of that spending shouldn't be counted against Obama's total because it doesn't deal directly with the cost of providing coverage.

It covers items such as improved benefits for Medicare and Medicaid, as well as money spent on disease prevention programs.

It's funny how he "agreed to not count" $300 billion in a $900 billion piece of legislation. I guess in Chicago agreeing to keep 25% of the costs of something off the books is okay. Also, it's not really his decision to make is it? A cost is a cost is a cost. It doesn't matter if he chooses to count it or not. That sort of reminds me of the 80's campy kids horror movie The Monster Squad. In order to create a vortex into purgatory (or limbo, I forget) a virgin has to read some text in German. Of course the group of teenagers decides to ask one of their older sisters, who is a hot 17 year old blonde, to recite the text. She took German and I guess it was assumed she was a virgin. Anyway, she read the text and nothing happened. Her brother asks her "you're not a virgin are you". She shakes her head and says something like "well only Barry but he didn't count". But he did. Saying something doesn't count really doesn't make it so. It either is or it isn't.

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