Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Boy Is This Guy Out of Touch

Obama's interview with Diane Sawyer really makes him look weak, evasive and out of touch:

“We had to make so many decisions quickly in a very difficult set of circumstances that after awhile, we started worrying more about getting the policy right than getting the process right.”

So those 2,000 page monstrosities that raise taxes during a recession, ration care, increase premiums and have special deals for unions and Nebraska residents are considered by Obama to be good policy?

“Let's just clarify. I didn't make a bunch of deals,” Obama told ABC. “There is a legislative process that is taking place in Congress and I am happy to own up to the fact that I have not changed Congress and how it operates the way I would have liked.”

It's been widely reported that Obama kept inviting people over to the White House in order to bully them to sign on to those deals. You even tried to bully the CBO to have a more friendly scoring (which apparently worked, they've essentially given the benefit of the doubt to the latest bills). Also, I don't think the American people really believe that if the President really didn't like those back room deals that they would have happened anyway.

“I think it is important to know that the promises we made about increased transparency, we've executed here in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” Obama said. “I mean, this is the first White House in history where you know anybody who has walked into my office, anybody who has walked into the White House, you actually have a record of who comes in. We have put more stuff on the Internet than ever.”

While it's nice to know who is visiting the White House, I think people would like the transparency to actually be about something they care about, like negotiations over a bill that could drastically and negatively change their quality of life.

This guy is not exactly helping his case now is he?

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