Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Obama's dilema

Obama says he wants to create jobs and get the economy rolling again. But, a very large part of his base is anti growth and anti consumption. If he really does what needs to be done, that's to increase economic activity by making business more attractive they will be on him like a dog on a bone. Yet, if he doesn't spur growth there will be no economic expansion.
The green jobs myth is turning out to be just that. People who live near wind turbines are beginning to complain about the noise which is harmful to their health.
Instead of economics we have gotten lots of hopium and hatred. His trope is hate the producers and worship the takers. He wants to throw more money at the education establishment which has shown little success in the last 40 years. California spends huge sums on education, more and more every year while its ranking among states declines. Twenty percent of California's prison system are illegal immigrants. Government and unions breed mediocrity. Teaching self esteem robs children of learning by failure.
Obama using so called Stimulus Funds to pay for additional unemployment benefits. We can quibble about the necessity but there is no question that it's not stimulating anything.
Quite a while ago I posted that Obama and his left wing minions are followers of John Lennon's song Imagine. They believe if you imagine and wish hard enough laws of physics and economics can be overcome and we'll all live in utopia. Obama is fantasy on display.
Finally, I think people are beginning to see the sham that Marxian economics fosters. Continue with Obama's current policies and you be able to draw a direct line to economic conditions in the old Soviet Union. That's what the Progressives want for you. Our currency will be valueless and as the old saw about the USSR went "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work."

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