Thursday, February 25, 2010

Another silly statement from a watermelon group

The economic logic of the EDF is as flawed as the global warming myth. The real subtext of the EDF position is that "authoritarian capitalism" is the way to go. The government should choose the winners and losers and the EDF and friends should sit at the deciding table.
Notice how they ignore the polltion in Chinese cities.
China: Bigger, badder and greener than the U.S.?Read more at the Washington Examiner:

China, one of the most polluted countries on Earth, “is already beating the U.S. to clean energy jobs,” gushes Tony Kreindler of the Environmental Defense Fund, and “is quickly becoming the global powerhouse in clean energy manufacturing and innovation, dwarfing the efforts of America.”Guess whose fault that is?Not EDF and its fellow travelers, who have spent decades pushing for crippling environmental regulations that make it all but impossible for American manufacturers to turn a profit.It’s Congress’ fault for not imposing a limit on CO2!“If the U.S. puts a limit on carbon pollution from dirtier sources of energy, we will send a clear signal to the marketplace that will unleash a massive wave of private investment in clean energy that would allow us to compete with the Chinese. Only when American policy creates a profit motive for investors, inventors and entrepreneurs, will we have a chance to win the race,” Kriendler added.So if the U.S. imposes what amounts to a $9.4 trillion energy tax on American companies by 2035, as The Heritage Foundation estimates, while China continues to spew out as much pollution as it damn well pleases, we will somehow beat them economically by creating more “ green” jobs than they do.Who believes this rot?President Obama, for one. On Wednesday, he told the Business Roundtable: “A competitive America is also an America that finally has a smart energy policy. We know there is no silver bullet here – that to reduce our dependence on oil and the damage caused by climate change, we need more production, more efficiency, and more incentives for clean energy. “But to truly transition to a clean energy economy, I’ve also said that we need to put a price on carbon pollution …”Memo to EDF and Obama: China is the “Saudi Arabia of Solar” only because it plans to sell slightly less expensive solar panels to clueless Americans and Europeans like you. It’s already in the process of taking all the “green” manufacturing jobs away.The irony is that environmentalists don’t seem to care if windmills, lithium batteries, plug-in hybrids and other renewable energy fads they champion are made in China, which by their own standards should have been shut down by the EPA a long time ago.

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