Saturday, February 27, 2010

The left and anarchists speak.

Late-night protest at UC Berkeley turns violent

While this is not new for this school, I wonder what makes these students think they are more entitled to scarce government funds then are the handicapped, blind, home bound and other truly needy people who need state help to survive.
It's time the students are asked the tough questions and not just given a pass. How much money will have to be spent to repair the damage they did? How much did the police response cost? There are cameras everywhere, it shouldn't be all that difficult to track down the miscreants and make them pay as well as making them do a year of community service. Don't break up the riot, capture the rioters.
This is not the only case where the self absorbed get away with causing societal damage. Recently a group of pranksters organised a huge pillow fight whic they took onto the Embarcadero not far from tyhe Ferry Building. For those not familiar with San Francisco the Embarcadero is a major traffic artery and the Ferry Building is a transit hub. From what I gathered their silliness caused a trafic jam that lasted about four hours. Once again, the police came and chased off the pillow brains while drivers and public tranit riders fumed. Why they are not arrested and made to pay a heavy fine like $5000 each is beyond me. If you break anyone of the myriad traffic laws with a car in the city the fines are quite heave, so how come these people get off free. I know it's a matter of freedom of speech but it's not a passive form of speech, it's destructive and should be treated accordingly.

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