Monday, March 22, 2010

What's going on here?

I was quite surprised this morning by the results of a poll being taken by the Marin Independent Journal about the health care bill. The question asked if you were happy with the health care Bill that was just passed by the House. The No's were 55% and 45% yes. Marin is extremely liberal/progressive, so I expected a large yes vote and at best a 1/3 no vote. To find 56% disapproved was a surprise. I'm not sure what it means yet. Are the voters unhappy with the bill because it didn't include single payer or are they truly dissatisfied by the bill. Time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. I think it was a bad question. I too am not happy with the health care bill as passed. I think it should have had a single payer, or at least a public option. But, the bottom line is that I think it is a start and in that respect I am happy.
