Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The oil spill. What we should learn from it

Although I would like to savage Obama's response to it and there is blame there, It's no more reasonable then was blaming George W. Bush for the Katrina response. What it exposes is that for all the fanfare government agencies are unresponsive and inefficient. They have become finger pointers when things go wrong. More power to them will add little value. I'm sure you've noticed that when some have suggested the government agencies take over the responsibilities for dealing with the spill, the agencies themselves run from the suggestion like Dracula faced with a cross. They are not capable, do not have either the technical knowledge or equipment to do anything substantive.
So, here's the difference between the government and BP. BP has had a terrible accident while producing a product society dearly needs. The government agencies produce nothing other then press releases and back biting. Do you think any of their experts could extract one barrel of oil?
I'm not implying there should be no oversight. But, when that oversight is a shame and an expensive one at that, you have to look at what failed in Washington as well as under the water. My first guess would be bureaucrats and the non competitive bureaucratic mentality. Want socialism, you'll get the government bureaucrats and no BP.

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