Friday, May 28, 2010

What a guy

John Kerry defies common wisdom
By Howie Carr

Let them eat ketchup.

That in essence is what Liveshot Kerry recommends as his prescription for the little people suffering in the so-called economic “recovery.” That ketchup line, from an anonymous Internet poster yesterday, perfectly captures Kerry’s breathtaking smugness. As he intimated this week in D.C., the hoi polloi just don’t understand his greatness, nor that of his fellow national Democrats, from Barack Obama on down.
These all-time lows for Barack and the Congressional Democrats in various national polls - John Kerry knows what’s happening.
“I think there’s a comprehension gap,” he explained to a breakfast of Beltway bumkissers.
Comprehension gap. In other words, you’re not smart enough to understand how wonderful he and the rest of his Democrat pals are.
In the case of the Massachusetts electorate, he may well be correct about this comprehension gap. After all, he’s been elected five times to the U.S. Senate - how much more do you need to know about the cluelessness of the voters in this state?
Comprehension - a four-syllable word. How Liveshot is that? Is this comprehension gap anything like the media in 2008 describing Bush’s 5.5 percent unemployment rate as a precursor of the next Great Depression? But now with the unemployment rate under Obama at 9.9 percent, we are told by the exact same media that it’s the “new normal,” a lagging indicator of the alleged recovery, praise Barack.
“There’s a huge contradiction here,” Liveshot said, although he was talking about the people outside D.C., not himself and his fellow pampered Beltway pukes.
Confused? Of course you are. You didn’t go to Yale.
“We’ve come back,” Kerry said, perhaps referring to gigolos whose billionaire second wives live off the trust funds of their first husbands. Remember, this guy doesn’t only talk like Thurston Howell III, he lives like him - off other people’s money.
Did you see Kerry’s popularity numbers in the Ch. 7 poll this week? Compared to Scott Brown, he’s still the junior senator. Kerry’s favorability-unfavorability percentages are 55-38, Brown’s 57-24.
“There’s a sense of some things unraveling,” Liveshot conceded.
This weekend I’m sure Kerry will be thinking about his subjects, er, constituents, as the Flying Squirrel wings its way towards Nantucket and his second wife’s first husband’s Hurlbert Avenue mansion. From his Gulf stream, he can see the huddled masses . . . on the Woods Hole ferry. If only they could comprehend Liveshot’s greatness, at least in his own mind.

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