Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Read this letter to the editor at the WSJ yesterday

In "Journalism Needs Government Help" (op-ed, July 14) Lee Bollinger makes a compelling case for increased government funding of journalism in America. As CEO of American Public Media, the largest owner and operator of public radio stations in the U.S. and producer of national programming such as Marketplace, I agree that America's public broadcasting system—which is rapidly becoming a public media system—must fill the void created by the weakening of commercial journalism.
Those who oppose Mr. Bollinger's suggestion of a stronger public media in America need to better understand the opportunity presented by our existing public broadcasting institutions. It would be a mistake to base our public media system on a model, such as the BBC, that relies on the government for the majority of its funding. What we need is a uniquely American public media infrastructure, balancing increased government investment with support from many other sources.
There has never been a more important time for public media to live up to its full potential. While newspapers throughout the country are weakening, and in some cases disappearing, partisan broadcast and Web media outlets are building profitable businesses through the distribution of often distorted and even misleading information. Media-driven public discontent, single-issue politics and even veiled threats make it increasingly impossible for our national leaders to address our country's most pressing problems.
Now is the time to create a more robust, independently governed public media system in the U.S. With increased investments from the federal government, the philanthropic community, and from hundreds of thousands of members and donors throughout the country, America can create a powerful independent public media and ensure the ongoing strength of the Fourth Estate in the digital age.
Bill Kling
President and CEO
American Public Media and Minnesota Public Radio
St. Paul, Minn.


A self indicting apparatchik. Is this not the best example of the arrogance of these people. You're too biased, stupid, or otherwise unable to see the truth without his help or that of his mind-numbed robots. Where's the diversity at Public Radio? You get left and lefter. Everything else is sneered at or denigrated. Is this man so ignorant that he doesn't understand the reason for the First Amendment? I believe he knows how government funding distorts freedom and he approves. If you want to know what a lack o diversity listen to Minnesota public radio. Shucks listen to any public radio station.

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