Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The calls for violence from the left grow more shrill

John Cusack Calls for 'Satanic Death' of Fox News, GOP Leaders

By Jo Piazza


Cusack has long been outspoken about politics. He supported Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election and has contributed to The Huffington Post, but this is the first known time he has stooped to the level of making threats.

And while the U.S. Constitution protects Cusack's right to speak his mind, some critics say he should be more careful about what he says, since he has more than 200,000 Twitter followers.

“His provocative tweets could easily incite a rabid fan to commit violent acts against Fox News Headquarters and others he names," said Dr. Carole Lieberman, a Beverly Hills-based psychiatrist and author of "Coping With Terrorism: Dreams Interrupted."

"Fans could not only be influenced because of their devotion to Cusack, the man, but also because of their love for one of the characters he plays,” she told Fox411.

Cooper Lawrence, the author of “Cult of Celebrity” told Fox 411: “The fear isn't that a celebrity will influence someone to do something violent or out of character due to the sheer devotion to the celebrity, the fear is that someone who is already vulnerable, mentally disturbed, already considering something dangerous, may be encouraged to do so if it is advocated by their favorite star,”

Lawrence explained that while celebrities don't make healthy people do things they wouldn't normally do, they could impact someone who is on the fence or mentally unstable.

“John Cusack has to know that his words carry weight because he is an actor beloved by many generations of folks who may not get his humor and might think he is calling for something more sinister. The responsibility is on him to not abuse his fame to influence something negative on the off chance that even one person takes his words to heart,” Lawrence said.

Cusack could also be doing his career some damage. Image consultant Michael Sands says that Cusack should be worried that his vituperative words could turn off some of his fans.

“I think his fans will not appreciate his tone. They will be turned off to his rhetoric,” Sands told Fox411. “John Cusack is taking his fame too seriously. He is having delusions and his anger towards Fox News may get him arrested!”

Ironically, Cusack has just been signed to play Edgar Allen Poe in "The Raven", a movie about a serial killer who uses Poe's stories as inspiration for his killing spree.

Cusack’s publicist did not reply to calls and emails for comment.

Typical Democrat calls for violence against people with who they don't agree. Outing the real haters. The left tried to convince people the Beck rally would cause violence and be full of hate. It was just the opposite. I understand that they left the place in very clean condition. Something that can't be said for Democrat/Leftist events.

Mr. Cusack is a prime example of why we need our Second Amendment rights. How long would it take for these leftist howlers to come after us if they thought there would be no cost?

I don't go to the movies so I don't know anything about his acting. But, if it's anything like his verbal outburst I'm happy I have no clue about him.

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