Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reptilian appropriate

his afternoon at 4 p.m. Pacific, Jodie Evans, co-founder of Code Pink, is hosting a $500-per-person fundraiser for Jerry Brown. John Nolte reports at Big Hollywood:

You might call him Governor Moonbeam, but I prefer Governor Double Dip, and there's nothing harmlessly moonbeamy and charmingly hippie dippie about his doing business with Jode Evans, co-founder of the obnoxious anti-American group Code Pink and someone with a well-documented history of supporting terrorists and those countries that would do America harm. [Ed.: Code Pink raised $600,000 to fund anti-American terrorism in Iraq.]

The Great Melanie Morgan is putting together a protest for tomorrow and according to Variety's Wilshire & Washington, it looks as though the protest will also be an opportunity to do a little star-gazing:

Jerry Brown will be at the Venice home of Jodie Evans for a $500-per-person event on Saturday, with a host list that includes Frank Gehry, Sally Kellerman, Bill Press, Stanley Sheinbaum, Hope Warschaw and Gail Zappa.

At Big Peace, a Gold Star Mother recounts her painful experience with Code Pink, a truly vile group. In this photo, Ms. Evans is second from the left, posing with Hugo Chavez along with two other reptilian far-leftists:


This episode tells us something about Jerry Brown. He is sometimes viewed as a harmless eccentric, a left-over hippie, a crazy uncle who means well. But he is much worse than that. He is a dyed-in-the-wool leftist, as shown by his willingness to align himself with the vicious anti-Americanism of the Code Pink loonies.

Coincidentally, I talked yesterday with a Minnesotan who recently attended a fundraiser for Meg Whitman, Brown's opponent in the race to be California's governor. He was blown away by Whitman's command of the issues and her commitment to get California's economy and educational system back on the track through free-market policies. A strong America needs a strong California. Please go here and make a modest contribution to Whitman's campaign.

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