Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More proof of the Nobel Committee's political agenda

Belgian activist priest admits sexual abuse


  1. Please explain your comment. How does this reflect on the Nobel prize? Anyone can be nominated for a Nobel prize, even you

  2. Yes, anyone can be nominated but how many do they actually consider? I assume that this announcement meant they were actually considering him. And, why were they considering him? Because he's a leftist anti capitalist anti free trade ideologue.

  3. Do you ever read what you post? The very first sentence says, "A Belgian priest has confessed to a child sex-abuse accusation that came to light during a campaign to nominate him." Someone is campaigning for him to be nominated. He wasn't nominated. You always assume when it comes to people/organizations you hate.

  4. It's the why they're nominating him in the first place that I commented on.

    Given to whom the Nobel Prize has been awarded I think he would be a perfect fit for them.
