Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Democrats defending a fraud for political reasons

Va. lawmakers look to stop climate change probe

RICHMOND, Va. - A power struggle is unfolding in Virginia over climate change research.

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has been taking the University of Virginia to court to get information on a climate change researcher who once worked at the school.

Now several members of the State Assembly say they've had enough and have introduced legislation to rein in Cuccinelli's investigation.

Cuccinelli, a global warming skeptic, is looking into whether UVA professor Michael Mann manipulated data to show that there has been a rapid, recent rise in the Earth's temperature.

Democratic Sens. Donald McEachin of Henrico and Chap Petersen of Fairfax County say their bills won't give blanket immunity to colleges to defraud the state, but they would curb politically motivated probes.

McEachin and Petersen, both lawyers, said Cuccinelli had abused the authority the office obtained under a 2002 law.

Their legislation would force Cuccinelli to sue and obtain subpoenas as is required of other civil litigation. This would afford defendants the right to defend themselves.

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