Thursday, January 20, 2011

Everything is Ours

This comment left in response to a Karl Rove op-ed in the WSJ is a perfect example of how leftists think (and I use the word 'think' with some apprehension):

People who think their salary or profits belong to them, that government taxes THEIR money, dountless agree with you.

But that money is NOT YOURS. It is ours, on loan to you for good behavior.

Innovation and hard work not only should be rewarded, they are rewarded. Wich is a good thing.

Fellow members of the same society that allows you life, deserve life also. Such as access to medical care.   (h/t neo-neocon)

Good grief! I am practically speechless and can only shake my head. Money we earn from our own productive activities are on loan to us from the government. Society allows us life. I am sorry the poster didn't illuminate us with what great productive activity he is engaged in, although government employee is suggested. Like Democrats of the past, he obviously approves of slavery, he just doesn't state it as explicitly.

[Update: Although it didn't strike me as such at first, it occurred to me on reflection that the commenter was intending to be facetious. Given the statements I know have been made by leftists it's hard to tell. If these are actual sentiments then my comments stand. If he was being facetious then "Good one!"]

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