Monday, January 17, 2011

Why Illinois Needs to Raise Taxes 66%

And sure to be coming soon to other states near you.

Work for the State 5 Years, Pay in Zero, Get $130,000 Pension
Posted: January 12, 2011

Work for Yourself 45 Years, Pay In $260,000 Get $28,000 Social Security.

By Bill Zettler

Anybody see a problem here?

This is what happens when you live in a state with no accountability, no transparency and massive political malfeasance. You and I are in effect tax slaves whose purpose in life is to work and pay exorbitant taxes so the elitist politically connected public employees can live in luxury when they retire - on our dime of course.

The person from the first line of the title is Dr. Renee Hartz, a thoracic surgeon hired by the University of Illinois to teach surgery. I am only guessing about what she actually did because records of her activity are very limited. In a Freedom of Information Act request I asked for her contract or offer letter outlining her job responsibilities plus pay and benefits included in her job offer. Despite pay totaling $567,479.10 per annum from 1991 to 1995 there were no records related to her hiring. So who knows what she did or was supposed to do? However we do know she was paid a lot of money to do it.

The rest here.

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