Friday, December 23, 2011

Islam's face of misogyny.


A French Muslim man turned violent recently after a nurse attempted to remove his wife’s burqa while she was in labor.

Nassim Mimoune, 24, was jailed after he punched the nurse at a hospital in Paris, France.

The bizarre situation occurred when the medical professional tried to perform a necessary examination on Mimoune’s wife — a procedure Mimoune was opposed to. The woman, who had been having contractions for two days prior to arriving at the hospital, reportedly begged her husband to allow the examination. He was so opposed that he reportedly threatened her with divorce.

After he called the nurse “a rapist” for attempting the procedure, he was subsequently expelled from the delivery room. But the drama didn’t end there.

Through a window, he saw the nurse removing his wife’s burqa and he purportedly went ballistic. He smashed the locked door open, hit the woman in the face and demanded that the face veil be put back on his wife.

His wife inevitably delivered a healthy baby boy, but Mimoune was kicked out of the building and subsequently arrested for assault. On Wednesday, he was sentenced to six months in jail, with a judge saying, “Your religious values are not superior to the laws of the republic.”

According to Fox News, the judge also said that Mimoune was putting “his religious dogma above the laws of the Republic and his French citizenship.” The man apologized for his actions and admitted to endangering his unborn child.

Last month, in a separate incident, a male nurse in Dearborn, Michigan, filed a lawsuit saying he was fired for treating Muslim women.

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