Monday, December 26, 2011

Ron Paul has real issues.

Ex-Aide Says Ron Paul Is a 9/11 Truther & Isolationist Who Thinks U.S. Shouldn't Have Fought Hitler

A former Ron Paul staffer named Eric Dondero, who worked closely with the Texas congressman and presidential candidate over the course of 15 years, has issued a statement in which he both defends his old boss from charges of racism and anti-Semitism and reveals damning new details about about the "sheer lunacy of [Paul's] foreign policy views".
In 1988, Paul ran for president under the Libertarian banner and was best buds with Dr.Timothy "LSD" Leary. Remember him? "Tune in, turn on, drop out". In a recent San Francisco Examiner article, the author reminisces about first meeting Dr. Paul at Dr. Leary's house. Leary even put on a fund-raiser for Paul. I guess the drug legalization thing goes back a ways.Libertarians presently hold 0 of 100 US Senate seats, 0 of 435 US House seats, 0 of 50 governorships, 0 of 1921 state senatorial seats, and 1 out of 5410 state representative seats. Sounds like a wildly-popular, powerhouse party to me.

Even worse, the second time he went delusionally "tilting at windmills" in 2008, he was rightfully rejected in the Republican primaries, and just like any ordinary Republican adult would do, he threw a temper tantrum, held his breath and endorsed, not the "Republican" Sarah Palin and her "albatross", but put his tribe and dough behind Green Party nominee, 9/11 truther, Arab-cause sympathizer, anti-Semite, and certified nut, Cynthia McKinney. Remember Cindy when she slugged a cop for asking her for an ID when she refused to stop and blasted though a Capitol Hill security checkpoint? He also endorsed and supported the Libertarian nominee, and Ralph Nader, and the Constitution Party's candidate all helping to elect Alfred E. ZERO.

Why this self-centered phony, (who would probably nominate Reverend Jeremiah Wright as his Secretary of State, because they share the same beliefs about the "chickens coming home to roost")is even allowed on the stage with serious Republican candidates is disgraceful, and he could potentially guaranty the re-election of ZERO, but isn't that the plan? His spoiler role will certainly send us a "message," but its a message that the entire world can't survive.

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