Friday, May 18, 2012

Green Armegeddon

The wisdom of the extreme left greens, in this case Finnish writer Pentti Linkola:

"What to do, when a ship carrying a hundred passengers suddenly capsizes and there is only one lifeboat? When the lifeboat is full, those who hate life will try to load it with more people and sink the lot. Those who love and respect life will take the ship's axe and sever the extra hands that cling to the sides."

"The composition of the Greens seems to be the same as that of the population in general — mainly pieces of drifting wood, people who never think."

"A minority can never have any other effective means to influence the course of matters but through the use of violence."

"Any dictatorship would be better than modern democracy. There cannot be so incompetent dictator, that he would show more stupidity than a majority of the people. Best dictatorship would be one where lots of heads would roll and government would prevent any economical growth."

"The most central and irrational faith among people is the faith in technology and economical growth. Its priests believe until their death that material prosperity bring enjoyment and happiness - even though all the proofs in history have shown that only lack and attempt cause a life worth living, that the material prosperity doesn't bring anything else than despair. These priests believe in technology still when they choke in their gas masks."

"That there are billions of people over 60kg weight on this planet is recklessness."

"Alternative movements and groups are a welcome relief and a present for the society of economic growth."

"We will have to...learn from the history of revolutionary movements — the national socialists, the Finnish Stalinists, from the many stages of the Russian revolution, from the methods of the Red Brigades — and forget our narcissistic selves."

"Everything we have developed over the last 100 years should be destroyed."
You can read more gems like these here. I only note that Linkola still seems to be here, so using his first quote, he doesn't seem willing to give up his place on the lifeboat. I also note the absolute certainty he has, the hubris of these folks knows no bounds. On a ship calmly sailing along, nicer than any ship in history, yet he is sure its headed for a major disaster, enough so that he wants to start killing off the other passengers.

1 comment:

  1. John, you should have included these gems. Notice he admires both Stalin and National Socialists, ahem, Herr Hitler. The nihilist left has not changed a whit.

    Linkola is one of the few voices who advocates:

    1) No immigration
    2) Downsize population
    3) Kill defectives
    4) Stop rampant technology
