Tuesday, April 23, 2013

They're activists masquerading as journalist

HuffPost Reporter: "Journalists" Formed "Human Shield" Around Gun Control Activist

Ryan Grim, Washington bureau chief for The Huffington Post, explains to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell how he and other "journalists" prevented Capitol Hill police from removing an anti-gun advocate from the Senate gallery after she yelled at Senators who voted down an amendment to expand background checks.

"I interviewed her along with a number of other journalists right afterwards," Grim said. "They were trying to escort her out of the building, but journalists kind of formed a human shield around her because they all had their microphone in front of her. The Capitol Police realized perhaps arresting a hero of Tucson, right after the Senate knocked down this sensible gun bill, wasn't the best move, so they let her continue to talk."
LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC: Ryan Grim, it doesn't seem complicated. It's about how often do they have to reload.

RYAN GRIM, HUFFINGTON POST: Yeah, and there's nothing in the Second Amendment that says you're entitled to, you know, 50 bullets in a clip.


GRIM: Patricia is the same woman that yelled 'shame on you' from the floor.

O'DONNELL: A well-earned right to heckle in the United States Senate.

GRIM: I interviewed her along with a number of other journalists right afterwards. They were trying to escort her out of the building, but journalists kind of formed a human shield around her because they all had their microphone in front of her. The Capitol Police realized perhaps arresting a hero of Tucson, right after the Senate knocked down this sensible gun bill, wasn't the best move, so they let her continue to talk. But these are just, you know, 90%, 90% of people support this. There's no Second Amendment right to 50 bullets, and yet here we are. (The Last Word, April 22, 2013)

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