Friday, November 22, 2013

Obama and the Democrats armory of demonization and marginalization

I would like to add one other transformative change Obama and the Democrats have successfully accomplished to VDH's list. 

If you listened to both Obama and Harry Reid justify the change in the Senate rules for filibustering what you heard is more demonization of any opposition to Obama. Both clearly claimed that the opposition was just mean spirited and had no other purpose then to stick a finger in the President's eye. The meme is that opposition is the extremists in the Tea Party flexing muscles. The never ever mention  the Tea Party philosophy.

The opposition was just catering to the whim of a small group of people who just hate the President. At no time did they ever concede that there was any other views based in a different philosophy then the one espoused by the President. In short they were selling the proposal that any opposition was without merit and therefore not worthy of consideration. Alinsky, anyone?

This is a very dangerous path to pursue. The Democrats have used it again and again in order to marginalize opposition. They use this demonization, marginalization meme on other groups as well. The NRA and Second Amendment proponents have already felt the lash. The DOJ uses it with racial motivation.

It will work for a while until pressure within the opposition builds to volcanic levels. And, therein lies the roots of civil unrest. I think the administration sees it as a real threat and that's why they've created all encompassing quasi-military agencies like TSA and Homeland Security with vast sweeps of authority to intimidate the population. 

History tell us this will not end well for America.

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