Friday, January 17, 2014

Increasing the power and influence of the Federal government. Another hammer blow to the Constitution

EXCLUSIVE: Sensenbrenner’s VRA Bill Wins Praise from Far-Left, Soros-Connected Race-Hustling Groups

Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) this week announced his intention to pass a bill “reforming” the Voting Rights Act. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act last year. As J. Christian Adams reported:
[Sensenbrenner's bill would] radically expand federal power over state elections. It would give Attorney General Eric Holder expansive new federal powers over state elections, including the ability to barge into polling places to monitor the use of foreign language election materials. It would also give Holder the power to block election integrity measures like Voter ID and citizenship verification.
Holder has earned a reputation for being one of the most partisan attorneys general in American history, litigating against states that have chosen to adopt election security reforms including voter ID.
Today, Sensenbrenner is holding a conference call to discuss his bill. He will be joined on the call by far-left leaders, including Nancy Zirkin of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Deborah Vagins of the ACLU, and Tanya Clay House, from the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law.
Rep. James Sensenbrenner, with the Soros-funded LCCR’s Nancy Zirkin and Wade Henderson.
A press release from the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, a group funded by George Soros’ activist network, lists groups praising Sensenbrenner’s extreme bill. Many of the groups, listed below, are also connected to Soros’ network or have close ties to the Obama administration:
It’s a rogue’s gallery of left-wing groups praising Sensenbrenner’s bill. The SEIU strongly backs the Obama administration’s agenda; Project Vote is an arm of the discredited, corrupt ACORN, which has been caught engaging in voter fraud; the Holder Justice Department has coordinated voter registration drives with Project Vote, which once employed Barack Obama.
Will the GOP comment on Sensenbrenner’s behavior?

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