Thursday, January 23, 2014

The madness of leftist utopianism from people who have never produced so much as a refrigerator

Cop-Killer, Communist, Terrorist Pen Nightmarish Blueprint for 'Socialist USA' 

Marxist leftists have prepared a nightmarish blueprint for American socialism in a new revolutionary "book of imagination."
The new book, "Imagine Living in a Socialist USA," was edited by Frances Goldin who praises "life-enhancing socialism" in the preface. The 281 page manifesto showcases 31 utopian essays written by dangerous criminals, prominent liberals, and self-described communists - all for just $10.11.
It imagines a "free" and "enlightened" socialist United States, promoting radical notions such as eliminating prisons and creating mandatory worker-owned businesses. More dangerously, it details "how to get from where we are to where we want to be," and the authors seem determined to destroy "rapacious" and "cancerous" capitalism, by revolution if necessary.
The new book is stocked with pieces featuring Bill Ayers, Michael Moore and even Mumia Abu Jamal. It's a perfect fit for Karl Marx's library and brought together calls for establishment of grade and competition-free schools and the greatest hits of terrible Occupy Wall Street demands into a strident call for "the Third American Revolution."
Here, are some of the most extreme and famous among this group of radicals and liberal journalists:
Joel Kovel Demands Revolution to Kill Capitalist 'Cancer'
Joel Kovel's piece makes no pretense about its radical aims, complete with a Marxist slogan in the first paragraph: "working men of all countries unite!"
The author and anti-Israel firebrand invoke environmental hysteria over issues such as climate change, asserting that "our obligation is to remake society from the ground up in the service of life. If this be read as a demand for revolution, so be it."
Socialism, he claims, would foster a society where humans will organize their economy in accordance with environmental demands. Kovel certainly rejected capitalism calling it "a kind of metastasizing cancer, a disease that demands radical treatment - revolutionary change."
Cop-Killer and Former Fugitive Advocate the End of Prisons
Mumia Abu-Jamal, the convicted murderer of a Philadelphia police officer, and Angela Davis, former leader of the Communist Party U.S.A, worked together to pen a bizarre essay on crime. It begins by asserting "The concept of 'crime,' like much that we today take for granted, is a sociopolitical construct."
The authors' objections to prisons fit well into their colorful biographies. Abu-Jamal was convicted in 1982 of shooting Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner in the back. His case became a hot-button political issue for radical liberals, including this book's editor who described a life goal as "to free Mumia Abu-Jamal from the bars that constrain him." Free Mumia T-shirts have long been fixtures of the protest landscape.
Davis, for her part, was implicated in a 1970 courtroom shootout, though she was found not-guilty after spending three months on the run. Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev awarded her the Lenin Peace Price in 1979.
These two radicals advocate nothing less than the complete dismantling of the prison system. They argued that a socialist United States would "end mass incarceration by prison abolition."  While you may be wondering what they think would suffice to stop crime, they advocate a system which "brings the offender and the victim together to talk to each other."
Yes, let's force victims to engage in dialogue with their attackers.
Bill Ayers Claims American Nationalized Schooling a Failure of Capitalism
No socialist treatise would be complete without the violent terrorist and self-described "communist" Bill Ayers. In his essay, Ayers advocates a radical change to the education system which would eliminate "the laborious programs of sorting the crowd into winners and losers through testing and punishing, grading, assessing, and judging."
For Ayers, education has become a capitalist organization which has less to offer "an inquiring mind" than the "city dump" or "a street corner." The problem, he says, is that capitalism encourages us to "think of education as a product like a car or a refrigerator." He supported completely dismantling the education system, in favor of a poorly defined system without grades that instead focus on "full human development, enlightenment, and freedom."
He never addresses the fact that public education in the United States is run by the government, though he blamed "a merry band of billionaires" for pushing public schooling reforms.
Bill Ayers was a founding member of the openly communist and revolutionary Weather Underground in 1969. Ayers has admitted to facilitating a series of anti-war bombings while a member of this organization.
Paul Le Blanc Explains How America is Ready for Revolution
Le Blanc, a historian at La Roche College, examines how a contemporary socialist revolution would fit into the revolutionary history of the United States. He views both the American Revolution and the "Second American Revolution" (Civil War) as times when progressive forces destroyed unjust power structures in America.
He promotes another revolution, saying "Many U.S. socialists have argued that we must undertake a third American revolution that would end the economic dictatorship of capitalism and establish rule by the people over our economy."
He proceeds to explain how the American working class has become dissatisfied with the status quo and how socialist activists can begin to prepare for a revolutionary movement. According to Le Blanc, now is a particularly fruitful time for revolution, as the inequality of wealth provides "fantastic potential for socialist transformation today."
Michael Moore Hopes for an Unstoppable Occupy Wall Street ... In 2011
Michael Moore, the prominent lefty filmmaker, did not write on original article for this book. Instead, Goldin selected a 2011 article, which Moore wrote to promote the then newly formed Occupy Wall Street movement. Moore promotes the typical OWS slogans, alternating between platitudes about "a truly free, democratic and just society" and hard-line leftist legislation, like carbon reduction, confiscatory taxes, and a massive welfare state.
Almost sadly, he ends this proposal with an optimistic call to arms, stating "Occupy Wall Street enjoys the support of millions. It is a movement that cannot be stopped."
How did that work out for him?
The business and economic reporting of is funded in part with a gift made in memory of Dr. Keith C. Wold.

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