Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Especially true if your using other people's money

Michelle Obama: 'splurging is the key to life'

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama said "splurging is the key to life" if you regularly eat right and stay active. Her biggest guilty pleasure: French fries.
"How would you appreciate vegetables if you never had chocolate?" she asked. "You couldn't live without a little chocolate, a little French fries."
The first lady took questions from children reporters Monday after appearing at the White House Easter Egg Roll. She told the children that if they eat right the majority of the time, then a splurge or snack is not going to hurt them.
"I still splurge when I can, but that's why I try to exercise almost every day," she said.
The first lady said she tries to teach her two daughters balance and healthy meals at home, to offset any ice cream or birthday cake they have while out.
Mrs. Obama said her favorite physical activity is tennis, which she tries to do at least once a week. She said her daughter Malia participates in track and tennis too, while Sasha enjoys basketball and dance.
She urged the young scribes— who ranged in age from 6 years old to 13 years old— to eat balanced meals, drink water and keep moving.
"The more water you drink, the less room you'll have for the junk," Mrs. Obama said.
The children repor

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