Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What is Cuomo worried about? If government can do this then why not business?

Cuomo administration is purging emails older than 3 months

The Cuomo administration has implemented a system-wide purge of emails older than three months.
State Chief Information Officer Maggie Miller told agency heads to inform their employees about the email deletion policy.
Miller said the new deletion policy is part of a “consolidation of email systems” that would help state agencies communicate more easily, according to Capital New York.
“This is a significant accomplishment and I want to thank everyone for their hard work in making government work better,” she said in a memo.
But the memo horrified 20 good government groups who called on Cuomo to keep correspondence for at least seven years, matching federal government requirements, and his own office’s messages permanently.
“For these reasons, we ask that you end the automatic destruction of emails after 90 days, and instead take advantage of the state’s modern email technology by issuing an executive order requiring agencies to save employee emails for seven years and executive staff emails permanently,” said the Jan 29, 2015 letter signed by the New York Civil Liberties Union, Common Cause, and other groups.

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