Saturday, July 25, 2015

Another story of why the mainstream media cannot be trusted. Cruz debates Code Pink the terrorist supporting (Hamas), dictator loving (North Korea), Israel (Jew) hating Obama boot licking maggots.

Code Pink Ties to Obama, Iran Not Reported in Ted Cruz Debate Coverage

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas skillfully turned to his advantage disruptions by Code Pink protesters on Thursday who tried to talk over him as he spoke at a rally in front of the White House against the nuclear deal with Iran and the failure of the Obama administration to secure the release of four Americans being held by Iran. Cruz dominated and controlled the debate in a manner that forced Code Pink to observe rules of civil discourse.

Video by WJLA-TV
The rally was organized by Concerned Women for America in part to focus on those four Americans, Pastor Saeed Abedin, former-Marine Amir Hekmati , former-FBI agent Robert Levinson and Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian.

Video by Breitbart News
Cruz debated Code Pink co-founder Susan ‘Medea’ Benjamin and her lackey Tighe Barry.
Code Pink’s close ties to the Obama administration and Iran are well-documented by The Gateway Pundit.
Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans was an early fundraiser and bundler for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Evans has met with several times over the years with President Obama and his most trusted White House adviser Valerie Jarrett. Code Pink has acted as a messenger between terrorists and Obama.
Code Pink travels to Iran as guests of the regime. Code Pink leaders are regulars on the Iranian government’s PressTV propaganda outlet. Code Pink did Iran’s bidding in an effort to undermine the government of U.S. ally Bahrain in 2012.
None of that context made it in to the reports by expert political reporters in Washington who covered Cruz’s debate with Code Pink—even with Obama spokesman Josh Earnest echoing Code Pink’s warmonger charge against Cruz at the White House briefing held shortly soon after the rally.
“Q Secondly, I wondered if you were aware that, just before the briefing, Senator Cruz was across the street at Lafayette Park. It was a protest against the nuclear deal. Among other things, he was very vocal about how, because of the sanctions being lifted eventually, that there would be so much money flowing into the country that the country would use the money to “kill Americans.” Do you have any thoughts about that?
“MR. EARNEST: Well, Anita, I was aware that Senator Cruz was planning to hold a pro-war rally in front the White House today. I didn’t see actually how many people turned out for the rally, but it doesn’t sound like he said anything there that he hasn’t said anywhere else.
“Q Pro-war rally? Is that what you just called it?
“MR. EARNEST: I did.
“Q You have no other thoughts about it?
“MR. EARNEST: I think that pretty much says it all.”
Washington Post political reporter David Weigel, of ‘Journolist’ infamy, made no mention of Code Pink’s ties to Obama and Iran.
Neither did Politico, which conducted an on-scene interview with Benjamin, nor Reuters.
Conservative outlets which cheered Cruz for debating Code Pink also failed to make the connection between Code Pink, Obama and Iran.
The only article that came close was posted at FrontPageMag by Daniel Greenfield.
“Terrorist supporters in the White House and Code Pink took aim at a rally in support of American hostages being held in Iran. As The Point discussed earlier, a rally was to be held outside the White House for American hostages.
“White House press secretary Josh Earnest sneeringly described it as “a pro-war rally.”
“Meanwhile John Kerry’s favorite terrorist supporters in Code Pink, whom he had helped aid Hamas, showed up to heckle a rally calling for freeing American hostages. Because there is no conceivable low that Code Pink won’t stoop to.”
Code Pink’s position on Iran’s nuclear program is made clear on their web page about Iran: The problem is…Republicans and Israel, of course.
“July 14, 2015: VICTORY! The US, Iran and other countries have announced a historic agreement to restrict Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for the easing of economic sanctions. We are thrilled that after 30 months of grueling negotiations, a deal has been reached and we have averted another war in the Middle East. We send out thanks to all the negotiators who worked so hard and refused to give up. Unfortunately, the Republican leadership in Congress now has 60 days to sabotage the deal, putting us back on the path to confrontation with Iran.
“CODEPINK has also endorsed the Divest from War online petition, and we urge peace-loving people around the world to sign it, pledging to boycott Israeli products and divest from Israeli government bonds if Israel carries out a preemptive military strike on Iran.
“The goal of this campaign is to prevent the next war in the Middle East, by nonviolently raising the cost to the Israeli government of a preemptive military attack on Iran. We can use the Israeli government’s concern about grassroots boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns that challenge their impunity to help avert a military attack that could plunge the entire Middle East into another large-scale war.”
In every conflict between the Western world and enemy Islamist or totalitarian socialist regimes, or terrorists, Code Pink sides with the enemy–from Saddam Hussein to Kim Jong-un.
Code Pink recently traveled to communist North Korea. The group’s leaders took part in a briefing on Capitol Hill on the trip where they lobbied for the elimination of sanctions on North Korea.
A North Korean defector who attended the talk told the Washington Free Beacon that Code Pink and the others involved were working to help the communist regime.
Fidel Castro groupie Medea Benjamin was invited by the new Cuban embassy in Washington, D.C. this week to its grand opening celebration.

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