Sunday, October 25, 2015



Either you share his emotions or you're evil. 


Simon Schama's breakdown on Question Time is a thing of horrid beauty. He shakes with outrage, waves his finger as if it were a baton of self-righteousness and quivers all over. The entire video is a showcase of leftist madness in which Schama's breakdown is the key moment.
Accused of putting emotion ahead of reason, the leftist Schama can only answer the charge with more emotion. He can't rationally defend his position. Neither can anyone else. The madness concludes with a woman explaining that you can't oppose migrants because we all migrated from Africa in the slow mindless tone of voice that suggests she's either a schoolteacher or a career bureaucrat.

Here a commenter dissects the illness that is leftism
  • As an ex-Leftist and ex-multiculturalist, I have to agree that it is narcissism. I mixed with these people for years. For some, it is also anxiety. They can't like themselves unless they feel that they are a good person. PC defines what a good person is (according to PC.) These anxious people treat PC like a religion. It makes them feel safe. It becomes for them an actual quasi-religion. It is hard to try to change their mind because you are taking away their belief system. That is terrifying for them. If they believe you when you criticise PC, they become a bad person, in their minds. Even when they intellectually believe you, they must reject what you say emotionally. They are also terrified the arrogant PC Leftists will hear them not shouting you down. They can't be seen to listen. To even listen to an opponent is seen as treason.
    For the arrogant, they get to feel self-righteous rage, which must be a rush. They get to hate, really hate, and in their minds it makes them a good person. The more they hate those who disagree, the more they care. They hate you so much because they care. They get to feel morally superior without actually doing anything, except hating you and feeling sad for the victim du jour. The more they passionately hate and the more they passionately "care", the more superior to you they are. They feel superior. They get kudos, attention and admirers. The more they "care", the more the others are afraid of them. As Daniel describes, it is anti-intellectual self-indulgent narcissism. Among Leftists and multiculturalists, it is a strange mix of smugness and fear. When everyone agrees, it's a cosy feeling of shared moral and intellectual superiority (we are smarter and better). But as the PC posts keep shifting, and some "care" more than others, there's always the fear of being denounced.
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        As an ex-Leftist and ex-multiculturalist, I have to agree that it is narcissism. I mixed with these people for years. For some, it is also anxiety. They can't like themselves unless they feel that they are a good person. PC defines what a good person is (according to PC.) These anxious people treat PC like a religion. It makes them feel safe. It becomes for them an actual quasi-religion. It is hard to try to change their mind because you are taking away their belief system. That is terrifying for them. If they believe you when you criticise PC, they become a bad person, in their minds. Even when they intellectually believe you, they must reject what you say emotionally. They are also terrified the arrogant PC Leftists will hear them not shouting you down. They can't be seen to listen. To even listen to an opponent is seen as treason.
        For the arrogant, they get to feel self-righteous rage, which must be a rush. They get to hate, really hate, and in their minds it makes them a good person. The more they hate those who disagree, the more they care. They hate you so much because they care. They get to feel morally superior without actually doing anything, except hating you and feeling sad for the victim du jour. The more they passionately hate and the more they passionately "care", the more superior to you they are. They feel superior. They get kudos, attention and admirers. The more they "care", the more the others are afraid of them. As Daniel describes, it is anti-intellectual self-indulgent narcissism. Among Leftists and multiculturalists, it is a strange mix of smugness and fear. When everyone agrees, it's a cosy feeling of shared moral and intellectual superiority (we are smarter and better). But as the PC posts keep shifting, and some "care" more than others, there's always the fear of being denounced.

        The rage: because you are threatening their fragile belief system, by not agreeing. They are so emotionally politicised that they cannot separate their beliefs from themselves. Their beliefs have become part of their identity. The anxious Leftist won't threat you. The arrogant ones will. They have the same mentality as terrorists and old hippies. They believe they are building utopia ( mostly through hatred). If you don't agree, you are stopping utopia. If you are stopping utopia, it must be because you are evil. They dismiss what you say as propaganda and are afraid you might convert someone, damaging utopia. They are also terrified that you might be right. For some of them, like me, it is inter-generational. You are, without knowing it, attacking their entire upbringing. They were raised a multiculturalist, a Leftist. They have nothing else. It strikes you as creepy because you are witnessing the rage of a fragile mind.

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