Thursday, June 30, 2016

Majority of Democrats want third term for Obama. Democrats for monarchy.

Majority of Democrats want third term for Obama

A strong majority of Democrats would cancel the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump if it meant President Obama could serve another term, a new poll found.

Data provided to The Hill by the conservative polling outlet WPA Research found that 67 percent of Democrats would take a third term for Obama over a potential Clinton administration.
Only 28 percent said they’re ready to move on from the Obama White House, while 6 percent are undecided.
Obama is enjoying a surprisingly strong approval rating for a president serving out the final months of his second term.
A Washington Post-ABC News survey released this week found Obama’s net approval rating approaching 80 points in positive territory among Democrats. Former President Bill Clinton was at about 60 points positive within his own party at this point in 2000, while former President George W. Bush was under 40 with Republicans.
At the same time, a Gallup survey from April found Clinton’s net approval rating among Democrats hitting a new low. She had a 63-point net positive approval rating last November. That plummeted to only 36 points in April.
“The results should give pause to the Hillary Clinton campaign as Democratic respondents clearly prefer the status quo to a Clinton presidency,” a memo from WPA said.
Clinton is looking to unite Democrats behind her campaign after a bitterly fought primary against Bernie Sanders.
There was good news for Clinton on this front in The Washington Post survey released this week, which found Sanders supporters moving quickly behind Clinton over Trump.
The WPA survey of 384 registered Democrats was conducted between June 22 and 27 and has a margin of error of 5 percentage points.

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