Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Alleged Clinton Fixer: ‘New York Times Has Become the National Enquirer’...it is now fair game to ask any reporter "how can I trust you"?

Alleged Clinton Fixer: ‘New York Times Has Become the National Enquirer’

Jeff Rovin unveils identity on 'Hannity,' suggests he bought off reporters for the Clintons

by Jim Stinson | Updated 25 Oct 2016 at 10:02 AMThe Clintons have an open marriage and Hillary Clinton had an affair with her late law partner, Vince Foster, according to a former tabloid editor who emerged in the media to assert he once served as a “fixer” for the Clintons.
Jeff Rovin, who first told his story in the National Enquirer anonymously, was granted a far larger microphone Monday night on “The Sean Hannity Show” on Fox News.
“The New York Times has become the National Enquirer, and the National Enquirer has become The New York Times.”
Rovin told Hannity his motivation to come forward was the biased coverage afforded to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
“The New York Times has become the National Enquirer, and the National Enquirer has become The New York Times,” Rovin said. “We’ve got to set the world right again.”
Rovin did not get into too many details — nor did he offer much compelling proof of his involvement in salacious cover-ups for the Clintons. He also did not produce any pictures — or even the prized audio tape he allegedly received from the National Enquirer in return for a Clinton exclusive.
He also broke little new ground. Rumors about Bill Clinton's affairs or even his love of prostitutes is not exactly shocking. Rumors about Vince Foster and Hillary Clinton have been in print since 1993, back when David Brock was a conservative and writing about the Clintons for The American Spectator.
But Rovin said he went through two years of investigation with the National Enquirer. Yet even in last week's issue, the weekly tabloid chose not to print his identity. Hannity scored Rovin's first in-person interview.
Rovin said he "fixed" many problems for the Clintons by paying off tipsters and journalists. Often, he would tell journalists they had their facts wrong.
Or, in the case of the National Enquirer, he would get his hands on the tabloid's evidence and then provide the tabloid favors.
For a salacious audio tape, a phone message in which the president's name is used, Rovin offered the National Enquirer an exclusive at brother Roger Clinton's wedding.
Rovin said he was "fixing problems" for an actor in Clinton's sphere when he was first approached by the duo and contracted into their service.

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