Friday, January 27, 2017

How California set the stage for massive vote fraud...

California’s Recipe for Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale

The media have exhibited a pathological determination to ignore any possibility of voter fraud, in spite of mountains of evidence to the contrary.

In this week’s headlines, the narrative is repeated over and over again: President Donald Trump is making it all up.
According to the latter article, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla called President Trump a liar.
Breitbart News’ calls to the Secretary of State’s office for a comment were not returned, but that is not surprising. California has intentionally created a recipe for voter fraud on a massive scale.
Here’s the recipe, from an article I wrote in November for
Treat anyone who proposes a Voter ID bill like [Saul] Alinsky would — shame them, shun them, ridicule, then repeat.
Make access so easy that you can register to vote online up to 15 days prior to Election Day and still vote. (They pushed for same day voter registration so that people who “forgot” to register could still register & “participate” as late as Election Day).
Make a major push to move as many voters as possible to mail-in ballots (permanent absentee ballots).
Spend millions of taxpayer dollars handing out Drivers Licenses to millions of people illegally present in the state (with an asterisk stating, “Federal Limits Apply”).
Pass a law requiring everyone who has a California Drivers License to be “automatically” registered to vote—including illegal aliens.
“If the voter does not check either the “Yes” or “No” box (for whether or not they are US Citizen), and the registration is otherwise complete, the registration should be processed normally and entered on the voter rolls.” (See screenshot of official publication below on California Secretary of State Website regarding CA compliance with National Voting Rights Act (NVRA):
Never update statewide voter database with any information that ever disqualif[ies] a voter — especially county coroner lists of the newly deceased.
Voter fraud recipe (Screen shot)
Voter fraud recipe (Screen shot)
When you look at what California has done to protect the ruling class of Democrat politicians and powerful public sector unions who represent the legions of bureaucrats, it’s diabolically simple and diabolically clever.
And easy to understand why.
Hundreds of millions in contracts and pay increases for tens of thousands of public sector unions and permanent political careers for politicians are at stake, and as long as the unions keep their cronies in power, the gravy train continues.
All you have to do is follow the money.
They created a system where it was virtually impossible to ever catch anyone cheating, removed all verification processes, automatically register[ed] all drivers license holders — whether they like it or not, and then launch[ed] that program immediately after granting every one of the untold millions of illegal aliens in California a driver[‘s] license.
When the Election Integrity Project brought forth a report on documented voter fraud, the LA Times and other publications slamming Mr. Trump — you guessed it — (yawn) ignored the facts.
California is not an isolated case.
A Breitbart News story from October documents serious, widespread voter fraud involving non-citizen voting in Virginia.  Many of the safeguards previously in place have been removed — in large part due to pressure brought by George Soros-backed organizations ostensibly fighting for voter integrity.  The only problem is that these Soros-funded groups oppose Voter ID laws and every effective measure to safeguard the integrity of the vote.
Breitbart News story disclosed that in Virginia, “state officials had used the federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements database [SAVE] … to detect and remove aliens from the voting rolls.” And it added: “One of the top priorities of the Soros Advancement Project is to stop the use of SAVE to purge voter lists.”
Last year, in New York City, Alan Schulkin, Commissioner of the Board of Elections, was caught on hidden video by Provject Veritas talking about how Democrats commit voter fraud in New York City.
“Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there is a lot of voter fraud,” said Schulkin, who elaborated on the types of voter fraud that are taking place in New York.
Voter fraud has been labeled as a right-wing myth by the left, but Schulkin, a Democrat, confirmed everyone’s worst fears, going against the grain of his own party.
“You know, I don’t think it’s too much to ask somebody to show some kind of an ID … Like I say, people don’t realize, certain neighborhoods in particular they bus people around to vote,” said Schulkin.
According to a Fox News op-ed by John Fund and Hans A. von Spakovsky, President Trump’s investigation of voter fraud is long overdue. The piece documents a complete unwillingness of President Barack Obama’s Department of Justice to take any action. “This refusal to enforce the law came despite a 2012 study from the Pew Center on the States estimating that one out of every eight voter registrations is inaccurate, out-of-date or a duplicate.”
One thing we do know, if President Trump acts, the media will cover it.
And who knows, maybe the guy who defied every prediction, and became the most powerful political leader in the world, will succeed in forcing the media to cover the failings of the very foundation of our Republic — our elections — and build public pressure to fix them.

Tim Donnelly is a former California State Assemblyman.

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