Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Most Europeans want immigration ban from Muslim-majority countries, poll reveals.

Most Europeans want immigration ban from Muslim-majority countries, poll reveals

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Of those surveyed, opposition to Muslim immigration was especially intense among older people, while those under 30 were less opposed. 
There was also a contrast between those with secondary level qualifications, of which 59 per cent opposed Muslim immigration, and degree holders, of which less than half supported halting immigration.

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The poll backs up other research about attitudes towards Muslims in Europe. 
A Pew survey of 10 European countries in 2016 found majorities in five countries had an unfavourable view of Muslims living in their country.
Of those, 72 per cent of Hungarians had a negative view of Muslims, followed by 69 per cent of Italians, 66 per cent of Poles, 65 per cent of Greeks and 50 per cent of Spaniards. 
In the UK, only 28 per cent said they had an unfavourable view of Muslims, while in Germany and France 29 per cent said the same. 

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