Friday, February 10, 2017

Progressives are as peaceful as Islamists.

Teacher posts ‘the only good Trump supporter is a dead Trump supporter.’ Now he’s paying for it.

Teacher posts ‘the only good Trump supporter is a dead Trump supporter.’ Now he’s paying for it.
Image source: WZTV-TV video screen cap 
A Tennessee substitute teacher won’t be back in the classroom after his Nov. 9 Facebook post — “the only good Trump supporter is a dead Trump supporter” — was brought to light.
WTVF-TV said David Colin admitted he posted that comment — as well as one a month later also referring to Donald Trump supporters: “Shooting them sounds more appealing than getting along with them …” — amid a divisive post-election America.
Image source: WTVF-TV video screen cap
Image source: WTVF-TV video screen cap
“That morning after there was …. millions of volatile comments made by millions of people,” Colin told WTVF on camera, adding that he believes his posts were dug up after he made a political post to Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.).
Image source: WTVF-TV video screen cap
Image source: WTVF-TV video screen cap
Now he said he’s receiving death threats over his unearthed posts, the station noted, adding that Colin emphasized he’d never act out in real life what he posted on Facebook.
“I don’t want this to be about the posting,” Colin told WTVF, “it’s more about what comes after, using people’s freedom of speech and trying to use that to browbeat one side against the other.”
Would he post on Facebook the same way if he had to do it over again?
“I’d probably phrase it a little bit different,” Colin replied to WTVF, “but I would still speak out.”
The station said Colin was still employed Thursday night by the company that contracted him to substitute teach at Rutherford County Schools, but that company — PESG — said Colin wouldn’t be placed in schools until an investigation was completed.
Rutherford County Schools issued this statement, WZTV-TV reported:
Rutherford County Schools received several messages after hours on Feb. 8 about a substitute teacher who is accused of making inappropriate, threatening comments on social media during the work day.
Rutherford County Schools contracts with PESG to provide substitute teachers, and the school district has notified the contractor that the substitute teacher, David Colin, will not be permitted to work any longer as a substitute in Rutherford County Schools.
WTVF said Colin indicated the school district made the right decision in removing him from the classroom given the information officials had and that he’d probably resign from his position with PSEG.
WZTV added that Colin also is accused 0f posting the following Jan. 16 message on Facebook:
I spent a lot of time today thinking about the state of this mess. There are huge numbers of people that are upset, mad, angry, (pretty much every negative word), but what I have not seen is a plan. Everyone is looking for leadership to start this off, but there is no one carrying the banner. Without that we will all settle in to becoming angry hateful people and there will be no solutions. So, where do we go from here? Rallies and demonstrations are pretty much futile, since the lunatics just laugh at us knowing we haven’t the guts to stand up and take the actions needed. Writing and complaining falls on deaf ears. Not until the first shot is fired will the recovery begin.
Image source: screen cap
Image source: WZTV-TV video screen cap
Image source: video screen cap
Image source: WZTV-TV video screen cap
Said Colin in his WTVF interview: “To be honest, I think this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion.”

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