Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Senator Elizabeth Warren Democrat poster child. Hysterical and a liar

Is it racist to pretend to be an Indian for professional advancement and self-enrichment?

On the Senate floor, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) broke Senate rule 19 which states, “Senators are not allowed to “directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another senator or to other senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a senator.”
Dana Loesch doesn’t hold back her thoughts in this passionate monologue about the senator. Dana explains how it’s ironic Sen. Warren appropriated indigenous American culture for professional advancement to enrich herself. She asks what’s more racist, busting a clan in Alabama or pretending to be an Indian for self-enrichment.
To see more from Dana, visit her channel on TheBlaze and watch full episodes of “Dana” live weekdays 6–7pm ET or anytime on-demand at TheBlaze TV.

Harvard Law School Won’t Say If Elizabeth Warren Is Its One Little Indian

It figures. Harvard Law School won’t say if Elizabeth Warren is their one Native American listed on its diversity census report.
The Boston Herald reported, via Free Republic:
Harvard Law School lists one lone Native American faculty member on its latest diversity census report — but school officials and campaign aides for Elizabeth Warren refused to say yesterday whether it refers to the Democratic Senate candidate.
Warren — who has been dogged by questions about whether she used her claims of Cherokee lineage to further her career — has insisted she never authorized Harvard Law to count her as a Native American in the mid-1990s, when the school was under fire for not having enough minority professors.
Prior to that, from 1986 to 1995, Warren had listed herself as a minority in a law school directory administrators then used as a tip sheet when making diversity hires. But by 1996, when Harvard Law was boasting that Warren was the faculty’s first minority female, she had stopped appearing in the law school directory.
Harvard Law’s 2011 diversity report does not indicate who the Native American professor is. And the school refused to say whether it’s Warren.
Related: This image speaks for itself.
Via Instapundit:

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