Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The batty denial old lady Democrat Party strikes again.

The message crafters of the Democratic Party don’t need Republican enemies when they have Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters screwing everything up.
During a press conference on Monday, Nancy Pelosi thought George W. Bush was still the president.
“We’ve seen nothing where we can where — where I can work with President Bush on…” Pelosi said as Maxine Waters’ face dropped and she muttered to her colleagues.
“I’m disappointed because I thought there might be some interest because of what he said in the campaign.“It turned out to be not true, a hoax and really dangerous to economic stability of America’s working families,” Pelosi said.
At the same press conference, Maxine Waters chided President Trump and his reaction to Russia’s alleged behavior.
“How can a president who is acting the manner he is acting — whether he’s talking about the travel ban, the way he’s targeted Muslims, or whether he’s talking about his relationship to (Vladimir) Putin and the Kremlin and knowing that they have hacked our (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) and the (Democratic National Committee),” she said.
But then the already wobbly wheels began falling off Waters’ rhetoric wagon.
“And knowing that he’s responsible for supplying the bombs that killed innocent children and families in, um, in, um,” she said, forgetting the name before someone behind her whispered, “Aleppo.”
“Yeah, in Aleppo,” she said.
Waters continued, “And the fact that he is wrapping his arms around Putin while Putin is continuing to advance into Korea.”
She likely meant Crimea, not Korea.

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