Wednesday, February 8, 2017

You don't always need a gun to be a Good Samaritan. You need courage and a good heart

As bus driver is under attack, Good Samaritan wielding a wicked cane decides he’s seen enough

As bus driver is under attack, Good Samaritan wielding a wicked cane decides he’s seen enough
Bus passenger Rodney Goldman and his cane get set for action. (Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap) 

It was just after midnight when Kansas City, Missouri, bus driver Lynn Judge was suddenly attacked by a passenger — a terrifying moment that was captured on surveillance video.
Judge had pulled off to the side of the road to call for help when the passenger became confrontational, and he’s seen on video grabbing Judge from behind, as well as by her neck and face.
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
“He was really forceful,” Judge told KSHB-TV, “and I was just screaming and screaming because he wouldn’t let me go.”
But something else was caught on camera: The moment when another passenger, Rodney Goldman, got up from his seat with his cane to put a stop to the assault.
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
Video shows Goldman pounding the attacker’s back over and over — so hard that Goldman actually broke his cane in the process.
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
Police were called to the scene, the station said, and the attacker was arrested for assault.
“I looked at her as being my sister or my mother or my grandmother, and I just, you know, I was glad I was there,” Goldman told KSHB when he and a tearful Judge were reunited just days after the late January incident.
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
And although Goldman was left without a cane, that was soon remedied.
The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority presented Goldman not only with a lifetime bus pass but also two new canes courtesy of a donation from Doctors Equipment Service company.
One new cane is wooden; the other is metal. Goldman preferred the metal cane.
“Just in case I have to put it on somebody again,” he said to laughter around him, “I won’t have to put it on him too bad, you know. Two or three hits with this, and you’ll act right.”
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
Judge, giving Goldman a hug and kiss, said she’s grateful he was there.
“People like Rodney, I love him so much and I don’t even know him,” Judge told KSHB. “He’s a good person, and I’m so thankful he was there for me.”
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
Image source: KSHB-TV video screen cap
Goldman said he doesn’t call himself a hero, but he won’t change his approach anytime soon.
“If I’m on the bus and it happens again,” Goldman told Judge, “I’m gonna do the same thing.”

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