Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Zuckerberg "Big Brother" enabler...any excuse for totalitarian control for your own good.


Mark Zuckerberg funds bid to develop mind-reading brain implants

Billionaire pays for research into 'neural recording', a creepy-sounding technique which could change the lives of people suffering serious illnesses
FACEBOOK founder Mark Zuckerberg is funding the development of technology with the potential to read humans’ minds.
The billionaire has just pledged to hand over £40 million to researchers working to combat deadly diseases.
Zuck and his wife, Priscilla Chan, have teamed up in a mission to rid the world of ALL diseases
Zuck and his wife, Priscilla Chan, have teamed up in a mission to rid the world of ALL diseases
Mark Zuckerberg’s firm already holds an astonishing amount of info on its users
Mark Zuckerberg’s firm already holds an astonishing amount of info on its users
This cash will be distributed by the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, an organisation which aims to “enable doctors to cure, prevent or manage all diseases during our children’s lifetime”.
Some of the projects are likely to ring alarm bells among paranoid people who fear technological progress will come at the expense of human freedom.
One of the researchers who will receive funding is Dr. Rikky Muller, CEO and founder of a firm called Cortera.
She is working to develop “clinically viable and minimally invasive neural interfaces” designed to be used by people suffering severe disabilities.
Dr. Muller hopes that recording brain activity will allow paralysed people to control prosthetic limbs.
Her implants can be placed inside the brain and have the potential to change people’s behaviour by altering their “physiological responses” – the term for reactions which take place in response to external stimuli.
One famous physiological response is the fight or flight response, which readies people for conflict or escape when confronted with a threat.
They work by monitoring the electrical signals sent within the brain.

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