Thursday, May 25, 2017

Want a process crime? John Brennan completely contradicts James Comey Congressional testimony.

Massive Contradiction – John Brennan Completely Contradicts FBI Director James Comey on Congressional Notification…


Today former CIA Director John Brennan testified to congress on the Russian counter-intelligence operation which began in July 2016.  Today, John Brennan completely contradicted the March 20th, 2017, testimony of former FBI Director James Comey.
We have previously drawn attention to a particular part of former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to congress from March 20th.  The issue is when was congressional leadership, specifically the congressional intelligence oversight group called the “Gang-of-Eight”, notified of the Russian investigation (a counter-intelligence operation).
Pay close attention.  On March 20th FBI Director James Comey -together with NSA head Admiral Mike Rogers- testified to congress specifically about this notification (first three minutes of the video):
Rep. Stefanik: [01:12] …”when did you notify the White House, the DNI or congressional leadership”?
James Comey: …”good question.  Congressional leadership, sometime recently they were briefed on the nature of the investigation, as I said.  Obviously the department of justice has been aware of it all along”…
Watch the first 3 minutes of that video.  Notice the discomfort etc.  We have previously outlined why THAT is such a big deal –SEE HERE–  Comey is discussing the recent notification to congress that took place approximately a week earlier.  Prior to that congressional notification FBI Director Comey admits to keeping congress in the dark “because of the sensitivity of the matter” from July 2016 through March 2017.
Now, watch the opening statement from former CIA Director John Brennan today:
Pay very close attention to the segment at 13:35 of this video of Brennan’s testimony:
Brennan: [13:35]  “Third, through the so-called Gang-of-Eight process we kept congress apprised of these issues as we identified them.”
“Again, in consultation with the White House, I PERSONALLY briefedthe full details of our understanding of Russian attempts to interfere in the election to congressional leadership; specifically: Senators Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Dianne Feinstein and Richard Burr; and to representatives Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Devin Nunes and Adam Schiff between 11th August and 6th September [2016], I provided the same briefing to each of the gang of eight members.”
“Given the highly sensitive nature of what was an active counter-intelligence case [that means the FBI], involving an ongoing Russian effort, to interfere in our presidential election, the full details of what we knew at the time were shared only with those members of congress; each of whom was accompanied by one senior staff member.”…
Brennan goes on to say the main substance of those Go8 meetings was the same as the main judgements of the January classified and unclassified intelligence assessments published by the CIA, FBI, DNI and NSA (intelligence community).
That January reference was the infamous 17 agencies report, from CIA (Brennan), DNI (Clapper), FBI (Comey) and NSA (Rogers), all who had confidence, according to the report, that Russia was attempting to interfere in the 2016 election.
Now, a critic might think that Brennan is informing congress on one thing, and Comey is NOT INFORMING congress on another.  However, that angle is rebuked by Brennan’s own testimony that his specific intelligence product (CIA) was given to the FBI who were exclusively in charge of the “counter-intelligence investigation“.
What’s happening here is actually John Brennan throwing James Comey under the bus.
Dan has encapsulated it nicely in this paragraph:
[…] Brennan gave Comey the investigative product -which had nothing to do with the Trump team-  and Comey used it to carry out Obama, Hillary, and Susan Rice’s dirty work for them. Of course Brennan was in on the whole thing and is now saving his own skin by saying ” I briefed ya’ll on everything I had with regards to Russia, anything additional that arose please talk to my buddy Comey”.
Brennan is making Comey own the “Counter-Intelligence ‘Muh Russia'” claims about the Trump campaign.  Brennan trying to make Comey the fall-guy for a Robert Mueller investigative outcome.  Brennan knows there’s no ‘there’ there.
The entire construct of the “Russian Investigation” was the political use of a claimed investigation in order to weaken President-Elect Trump.  There simply is no ‘there’ there because there’s no substantive evidence to support a “Trump Campaign Collusion Narrative”.
As such, John Brennan has realized that someone has focused attention on Comey’s admission to congress that the FBI intentionally kept congress in the dark during the construct of the counter-intel narrative.  Congress was kept in the dark during this phase because the narrative can only thrive with innuendo, rumor, gossip etc.   The appearance of the investigation itself was the political need; the substance was non-existent and immaterial to the creation of the narrative.
If Comey notified congress, via the Gang of Eight oversight, the counter-intel narrative would have been harder to manufacture as details would have to be consistent.  That’s the benefit to keeping any oversight away while creating the politically useful narrative.
John Brennan, facing the looming certainty of the underlying Russian ‘collusion evidence’ being non-existent, is now trying to give the appearance that he briefed congress on larger Russian election interference issues.  However , the trouble for Brennan is his own admission that these issues were the underlying principle for the FBI counter-intelligence investigation.  Brennan specifically says he gave his intelligence product to the FBI.
Brennan is throwing Comey under the bus and attempting to create plausible deniability for his role in a constructing a political narrative; a false narrative.


It’s not accidental this Brennan retreat is facilitated by a member of congress John Brennan admits to briefing last year.  Gang-of-Eight member, Adam Schiff.

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