Friday, June 23, 2017

Democrats prey on the economics illiterate. They say things that are mutually exclusive and ask you to believe the fantasy.

Tucker Carlson completely shuts down Democrat: ‘You say dumb things that don’t make any sense!’

Tucker Carlson completely shuts down Democrat: ‘You say dumb things that don’t make any sense!’
Fox News host Tucker Carlson demolishes former DNC secretary's argument about job creation and immigration. (Image source: Fox News screenshot) 

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson broke into hysterical laughter while discussing immigration and job creation with the former deputy press secretary for the Democratic National Committee on Thursday night’s airing of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
While speaking with Jose Aristimuno, the former DNC secretary claimed that Republican Karen Handel’s victory over Democrat Jon Ossoff in the Georgia special election was closer than Republicans would like, and that Democratic momentum is gaining for the House in 2018.
“Republicans keep losing their base,” Aristimuno told Carlson. “We are gaining momentum. We are going to win the House in 2018, I’m telling you.”
Carlson asked Aristimuno precisely what the Democratic message is, and how it compares to that of the Republicans, when all it appears Democrats do is push back on President Donald Trump as their base.
“If you’re going to have a message, a program, and say to voters, ‘Here’s what I’m going to bring to you if you elect me,’ you have to be able to explain it,” Carlson explained to Aristimuno.
Aristimuno responded that Democrats’ tent poles for 2018 include creating more middle class jobs and allowing heavier immigration into the United States, but Carlson seemed completely baffled by the lack of correlation between the two.
“Have you thought this through at all?” Carlson asked incredulously. “Maybe that’s why you keep losing, because you say dumb things that don’t make any sense.”
Throughout Aristimuno’s round-and-round comments, Carlson cracked laughing several times, shaking his head in what appeared to be disbelief at the words coming from the Democrat’s mouth.
See the full exchange in the video below.

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