Thursday, April 26, 2018

The business of abortion should not receive federal money...If it's so wonderful support yourself. Will they next open post-birth abortion centers?

Cecile Richards
Ever wonder when Cecile Richards — the woman leading the organization that aborts more than 300,000 unborn children a year — thinks life begins?
Apparently, she doesn't know either. During an interview with Playboy, Richards cited OBGYNs as saying that “there is no specific moment when life begins.”
“It depends on the pregnancy, and that’s frankly why doctors and their patients should be in charge of these decisions and not government,” she also said, according to Newsbusters.
As for her own life, Richards said it began when she gave birth to her children. “It was when my babies were born, and they’ve been such an important part of my life. That was it for me," she said.
Richards' organization opposed the 20-week abortion ban, also known as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, because of the belief that fetuses could feel pain at the point in the pregnancy.

Relax paradise/YouTube
Before that 20-week mark, the baby begins to move and stretch. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the baby's face is “well-formed” and develops distinct features, the liver creates red blood cells, nails appear on fingers and toes, and the baby is able to hear, move, and swallow.
Babies have survived outside of the womb at 21 and 22 weeks. 
But apparently for Richards, none of those are strong enough signs to confirm life. In fact, she seemed to think that restricting abortion wasn't about religion or life, but keeping women from having “sex freely” and controlling women's opportunities.
“Women are everywhere, and for some men that is unsettling. People may think our opponents are rallying around religion, but it’s really about control over women’s opportunities," Richards added.
Richards also said she didn't think about her own abortion “that much” and that her own experience having children led her to become “even more adamant about abortion rights.”
Richards' organization has fought against abortion regulations at the federal and state level. On Tuesday, one of Planned Parenthood's affiliates bashed Tennessee's effort to erect a monument for victims of abortion. 
“Rather than creating a sincere place for reflection, their intention is to shame women,” Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee said.

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