Saturday, April 28, 2018

Twitter labels conservative woman Candace Owens ‘far-right.’ Now Twitter’s CEO has responded. Left wing slave catchers exposed.

Twitter labels conservative woman Candace Owens ‘far-right.’ Now Twitter’s CEO has responded.

Twitter labels conservative woman Candace Owens ‘far-right.’ Now Twitter’s CEO has responded.
Twitter's CEO apologizes to Candace Owens, after his platform labeled her "far-right." (Image source: YouTube screenshot) 
Now Twitter CEO Jake Dorsey has responded.

What happened?

Twitter highlights newsworthy moments from its platform with “moments.” So when West’s tweet praising Owens went mega-viral last weekend, Twitter published a “moment” to explain what had happened and why there was new controversy surrounding West.
However, the platform used the phrase “far-right” to describe Owens, who is actually just a normal black conservative woman who supports President Donald Trump. There is nothing extreme about her. 
The left often uses the phrase “far-right” to put all conservatives under a blanket, when, in actuality, just a small percentage of conservatives and Republicans are genuinely “far-right.”
“Far right? Allow me to clarify: I believe the black community can do it without hand-outs. I believe the Democrats have strapped us to our past to prevent us from our futures. And I won’t stop fighting until all black Americans see that,” Owens responded on Twitter. “I’m not far right—I’m free.”

What did Dorsey say?

In a surprising statement, Dorsey offered Owens a full-fledged apology and said he has investigated why she was labeled something she is not.
“Hi Candace. I want to apologize for our labeling you ‘far right.’ Team completed a full review of how this was published and why we corrected far too late (12 hrs after). There was a clear break in our curation process and understanding, and we’re fixing. Thanks for calling out,” Dorsey said.

How did Owens respond to the apology?

She fully accepted it:

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