Saturday, June 16, 2018

Joe Scarborough's Nazi comment is all the more absurd as his soon to be wife's father was a Jew hating, anti Israel Jimmy Carter failure

These fools are just waiting for the photo of some child being held with parents in detention. Then the cry will escalate to 'how can you does this" on steroids.

Joe Scarborough compared the Trump Administration to Nazis. The White House responds:

Joe Scarborough compared the Trump Administration to Nazis. The White House responds:
Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough compared US immigration policies to Nazis' treatment of Jews during the Holocaust. (Image source: YouTube screencap) 
On Thursday, MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough equated America’s immigration laws and the enforcement by US border patrol to something “coming out of North Korea.”
And on Friday, the Congressman-turned-television-host (and Republican turned…one can only imagine) amped up his rhetoric further, comparing the processes in place to enforce US immigration laws to the methods used against Jews in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.

Say what?

Scarborough weighed in on White House press secretary Sarah Sanders’ heated exchange with reporters regarding what she referred to as the decade-old policy of separating children from their parents when they arrive at the US border seeking asylum.
In regard to Sanders’ comments, Scarborough asked: “So why is shy lying so much? I know children are being ripped from their mother’s arms, even while they’re breast-fed. I know children are being marched away to showers, marched away to showers. Being told they are — just like the Nazis — said that they were taking people to the showers and then they never came back.”
Scarborough also invoked Biblical principles in making his point, adding: “It’s…not biblically based that your rip children from their parents. I believe it was Jesus Christ of Nazareth who said ‘let the little children come.”

So what was the response to Joe’s comments?

White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley released a statement responding to Scarborough’s comments, saying:
—”It is appalling that Joe Scarborough would compare sworn federal law enforcement officer — who put their lives on the line every day to keep American people safe — to Nazis. This is the type of inflammatory and unacceptable rhetoric that puts a target on the back of our great law enforcement.”
Gidley continued, “It is also horribly insulting to the memory of the 6 million Jews who perished in the Nazi Holocaust. Not only is Scarborough’s rhetoric shameful, but his facts are categorically false.
“When American citizens break the law, they are separated from their children and prosecuted. It’s unclear why Scarborough believes that illegal aliens are entitled to more rights than those afforded to American citizens.”
Further, Gidley added, “While Scarborough is quick to launch into his straight-to-camera outrage over the temporary separation of illegal alien families, he has never shown similar outrage for the permanent separation of American families forever torn apart from their children, who were killed by criminal aliens as a result of Democrats’ open borders policy.”

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