Sunday, July 8, 2018

MSNBC Ignores Woman Who Used Gun to Save Her Children from Carjacker.

MSNBC Ignores Woman Who Used Gun to Save Her Children from Carjacker

Between Thursday evening and Friday morning, most of the networks ran at least one report on a mother in Dallas who shot a carjacker as he tried to steal her car while her two young children were still inside. 
But the far-left MSNBC has been true to form in not making any room during its 24 hour a day airtime to give any attention to this story of a woman using a gun to defend her children which even CNN made room for a few times. CBS also has not given any attention to the story so far.

On Thursday evening, the NBC Nightly News gave it a minute and 20 seconds, and the Today show followed up on Friday morning with a full report of more than two minutes. ABC's World News Tonight gave it a 21-second brief on Thursday.
On Friday morning, FNC gave the story five briefs between 4:30 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. Eastern, while CNN gave it three briefs between 4:30 a.m. and 10:58 a.m. -- on once on Early Start and twice on CNN Newsroom, substitute hosted by Erin Hill.
The night before, NBC correspondent Katie Beck recalled that, on Wednesday night, Dallas resident Michelle Booker-Hicks stopped to get gas, and, after returning to her SUV, a man was inside her vehicle, and tried to drive away while her two toddlers were still inside.
Booker-Hicks got into the vehicle, retrieved her gun from the glove compartment, and shot him, forcing the vehicle to crash, but thankfully not injuring her or her children.

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