Monday, July 2, 2018

She won because she is Hispanic

She won because she is Hispanic

The New York Times staff was stunned when Democratic Congressman Joe Crowley lost his primary. They never saw it coming, and when he lost, they got it wrong again.

"Crowley’s Loss Heralds an ‘End of an Era’: Last of the Party Bosses" read the headline.

This was not a rebuke of party bosses. This was not a reform. This was simple arithmetic.

Larry Sabato got it wrong, too. He told the Times, "Political machines have been on the decline almost everywhere for decades, and that process has accelerated. Crowley is a perfect example. He grew up in another time and another way of doing business."

Baloney. Sabato cannot see what is plainly in front of his eyes. He is a numbers man, and yet he ignored the key to Crowley's District 14 in New York: its demographics. The district is 49.80% Hispanic, 18.41% Non-Hispanic White, 16.24% Asian, 11.39% Black, and so on.

Do the math. A Hispanic candidate has three times the likelihood of winning in that district than a non-Hispanic white person has.

This is what New York City politics has always been about: ethnicity. Fiorello LaGuardia won the mayor's race in the depth of the Depression not because he was a Republican but because he was Italian-American. He became the city's first Italian-American mayor because so many Italian-Americans voted for him.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won because she is Hispanic. The Hispanics in the district looked around and voted for one of their own. Ethnic groups and black people do that.

The Times story went on for more than 1,300 words. Hispanic did not appear once. That's odd since liberals keep saying Republicans must appeal to Hispanic voters.

Citing the wrong reason for her victory was deliberate. Liberals want to push the narrative that socialism is coming!

"There’s an Easy Answer to Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Won: Socialism," the Intercept reported.

That is nonsense. Hispanics largely voted for her because she is Hispanic. Socialists have been great at recruiting frontmen for minority groups. She is just the latest.


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Trump the Establishment covers the election.

Fake News Follies of 2017 covers his first year as president.

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