Friday, July 6, 2018

The Left is fearful of debates because they are intellectually unprepared and cowardly

Leftists get taste of own medicine after university lists conservatives among marginalized groups

Leftists get taste of own medicine after university lists conservatives among marginalized groups
In Penn State University's College of Information, a poster, honoring minorities, has ruffled a few feathers among the university's students — all because "conservative students" are listed among those minorities. (Getty Images) 
A poster hanging in Penn State University’s College of Information honoring minorities has ruffled a few feathers among the university’s students — all because “conservative students” are listed among those minorities.

What are the details?

The poster, which is part of the university’s “All In” diversity and inclusion program, lists blacks, conservatives, internationals, LGBTQ groups, members of the Muslim and Jewish faiths, and more, as marginalized groups.
The poster, according to a tweet, read, “Dear students, Each of you belongs here. Dear black students, Your lives matter. Dear Muslim and Jewish students, Your beliefs are valued here. Dear conservative students, Your viewpoints are important. Dear Latino students, You will not find walls here. Dear female students, You are respected. Dear LGBTQQIA students, You are supported here. Dear international students, You are welcome here. Dear ALL students, We are here to support and learn from one another.”
A photo of the poster began circulating, and one Twitter user highlighted the part about conservative students.
Twitter user Thomas Sarabok — PSU class of 2020 — wrote, “Damn, I must’ve missed the part when conservative people went through hundreds of years of slavery and systematic oppression.”
According to Sarabok’s Twitter page, he is involved in Penn State’s student government and is executive vice president of the school’s College Democrats.

What was the reaction on Twitter?

On Twitter, he later sarcastically added, “Pretty cool how ‘you will not find walls here’ and ‘conservative viewpoints are important’ is directly contradictory.”
In the comments thread under Sarabok’s tweet, many other users voiced their disdain for the poster.
One user wrote, “[U]gh I’ve hated this for a while now,” and another added, “How did they decide which groups were present on that board? Why are conservative students in the third spot?”
A defender of the poster commented, “Pretty cool how inclusive you are. Apparently only approved viewpoints are allowed to be part of your clique. Didn’t you see the ‘Deal [sic] ALL students’ part? Oh wait… Looks like bigotry exists everywhere.”
Another Twitter user, Kylie Thomas, wrote, “I have to disagree on this one. I, along with others, have been shouted down in classrooms. I know of other students who have grade reductions or are completely afraid to express their viewpoints. It is a minority stance on college campuses.”

Anything else?

When reached by The College Fix for comment, Penn State’s student government representative, Bhavin Shah, said that student government members are permitted to share their thoughts of such things on social media.
“We are not a political organization. Our members are allowed to have their own opinions, but they do not put their political views before their duty to serve all Penn State students. We are here to help all students and are willing to listen to all of their concerns,” Shah said in a statement.
Penn State officials have yet to publicly issue any statements on the poster or the controversy it stirred on social media.

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