Friday, October 26, 2018

These nuns want to tell Trump a thing or two...about their level of economic illiteracy. Statist useful idiots

I find this humorous coming from folk who live off of charity that is others earnings.

These nuns want to tell Trump a thing or two

KEARNY — A group of nuns taking a cross-country road trip headed for President Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate stopped in this Hudson County town Wednesday morning to hammer home their message that Trump's tax cut helps only the wealthy.
The sisters on the "Nuns on a Bus" tour, which started in Santa Monica, California and took its 36th of 54 stops in Kearny, want to take their anti-tax cut message directly to Trump, or, as Sister Simone Campbell referred to him, "the icon of who benefits from the tax policy."
"We're hoping to make change in our nation by stirring folks up," Campbell said.
Campbell, 73, of the Sisters of Social Service, is one of 30 nuns taking the trip, though only two are staying on the bus from start to finish. They stopped Tuesday in Morristown and after leaving Kearny headed to Langhorne, Pennsylvania.
The Republican-led Congress passed the $1.5 trillion tax cut in December. The law slashed the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent and reduced income tax rates at all levels. The tax cuts overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy, according to nonpartisan analyses of the plan.
Campbell said she's not opposed to every aspect of the tax law, but she said the loss in tax revenue will lead to cuts in vital social services. The government needs to invest "in our people," she said.
The only New Jersey member of Congress who voted for the tax cuts was Rep. Tom MacArthur, a South Jersey Republican who is in a tough re-election fight in the Third Congressional District. MacArthur's campaign spokesman, Chris Russell, told The Jersey Journal in a statement that there's no better way to invest in our people than "by letting them keep more of their hard-earned money."
"At its core, there is a fundamental difference in philosophy here: Congressman MacArthur wants to empower people to spend or save or invest their money as they see fit, not the government," Russell said.
Asked what she would tell Trump if the nuns see him in Florida, Campbell said she'd say the choices he makes "are not for the common good" and she would invite him to visit low-income communities with her.
"We're affected by where we stand," she said. "And we want him to stand in a new place and see our people."
Terrence T. McDonald may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @terrencemcd. Find The Jersey Journal on Facebook.

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