Sunday, April 14, 2019

California Moving Toward Ban On Little Shampoo, Conditioner Bottles From Hotels

Does anybody want to know why single use products exist? What are the  benefits? 

SAN JOSE (KPIX 5) – California is moving toward banning those little bottles of shampoo you get in hotel rooms.
“In California alone hotels use hundreds of millions of single use plastic bottles every year,” said Assembly Member Ash Kalra of San Jose.
Kalra is co-authoring a bill that would ban the tiny plastic bottles at almost 10,000 hotels state wide.
“We can get those bottles out of the waste stream, but also cut the production of them, which is also harmful to the environment,” he said.
Last year Santa Cruz County became the first jurisdiction in California to ban the small bottles.
“This is a significant step forward to make sure that these bottles do not get into the bay,” said Santa Cruz County Supervisor Zack Friend. 
Karla’s bill, AB 1162 is working its way through committees in Sacramento. If it passes on the assembly floor later this year, the ban would not take effect for at least three years.

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