Thursday, April 18, 2019

For Democrats the law is optional

Unearthed Texts Show Kim Foxx Meddled in Jussie Smollett Case Despite 'Recusal'

Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx personally meddled in the case of Empirestar Jussie Smollett even after she claimed to have "recused" herself, recently unearthed text messages reveal. Her staff also slammed police as "the worst," and a special prosecutor who had worked with Foxx in prosecuting police sent letters supporting Smollett shortly before the charges against him were dropped. The local police union said these acts reveal a "double standard": police are required to be transparent while officials like Foxx can hide the truth.
"Chicago's elected officials never tire of demanding accountability and transparency from Chicago police officers," Martin Preib, second vice president at the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), told PJ Media on Wednesday. "The fact that many of these officials, including Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot, have stated they want to move on from this case without digging deeper is a clear sign of a double standard at work."

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